Encore Talent Works

Talent Pool Characteristics

About: Talent Pool Characteristics

As you think about engaging encore talent, you’ll want to learn a bit about this population. Encore.org’s 2014 report, “Encore careers: The persistence of purpose,” documents how those choosing encore work are diverse in educational background, income level, and interests. However, they share at least one commonality: they want to have an impact on a cause or issue of importance.

People who pursue encores are driven by passion and purpose. The majority (82%) sees their encore work as an expression of who they are.

Education Level of those in encore careers:

  • Completed high school or equivalent, and did not attend college 19% 19%
  • Attended some college 26% 26%
  • Earned an associate’s degree, professional certificate or license 16% 16%
  • Four year degrees or masters’ or higher level credentials 38% 38%

Household assets of those in encore careers:

  • Under $50,000 57% 57%
  • $50,000 – 200K 18% 18%
  • Over 200K 25% 25%

Populations served by those in encore careers:

  • Multiple generations 62% 62%
  • Older adults 15% 15%
  • Children and youth 12% 12%
  • People at midlife 7% 7%
  • Young adults 4% 4%
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