Encore Network organizations leverage the skills and talents of people 50 + for social impact. Operating on-the-ground in local communities, they bring together social purpose organizations and encore-seekers, smoothing the way for high impact engagements while promoting age-friendly communities.
Together, Encore Network organizations promote knowledge exchange and collective action to put encore talent to work for the common good.
Nonprofits leveraging encore talent
- The Alliance for Strong Families and Communities represents hundreds of nonprofits serving children, adults and families
- Aspiranet is the largest social service organization in California, serving 40 rural, urban and suburban communities.
Funders supporting encore to address community needs
- Boomerang Giving is a national movement to redirect financial gains from senior discounts into nonprofits in communities.
- Community Experience Partnership, an The Atlantic Philanthropies initiative, represents nine community foundations banding together to deploy older adults in social impact work.
- United Way of Central New Mexico Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNPE) strengthens nonprofit capacity so they can effectively achieve their missions.
Organizations connecting encore talent with nonprofits
- AARP Experience Corps places older adults in schools to promote literacy for at-risk children.
- Boomers Leading Change in Health deploys older adults to improve health access and outcomes in the community.
- BVU: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence promotes business volunteerism and fosters excellence in nonprofit organizations.
- Executive Service Corps places experienced older adults as consultants in nonprofits and government organizations to build capacity.
- Executive Service Corps of New England helps nonprofits build capacity through consulting and related services of experienced volunteers from business and professional careers.
- Experience Matters connects the dots between people who want social-purpose opportunities and the organizations and institutions that can benefit.
- Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps facilitates transformative opportunities for older adults committed to social and ecological justice.
- National Executive Service Corps strengthens management of nonprofits, schools and government agencies through high-quality, affordable consulting services.
- ReServe matches experienced professionals age 55+ with modestly paid part-time service assignments in nonprofit and public institutions.
- RSVP is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over to use established skills and talents or develop new ones while serving in communities.
Organizations helping encore-seekers explore options
- Coming of Age promotes connection and contribution among people 50+ to build stronger nonprofits and communities.
- Discovering What’s Next is a community of people 50+ exploring ways to promote purpose and social service in their communities. NOTE the link on Encore.org Network page goes to a page in Japanese
- Encore Tampa Bay creates pathways, programs, policies and resources to support encore careers and build awareness.
- Life by Design NW empowers people 50+ to find their passion and purpose through intentional life-planning, entrepreneurship and self-discovery. Status? Website goes to http://findependencehub.com/life-after-employment-whats-your-encore-act/
- Midlife Ventures helps people 50+ pursue new careers, old dreams, educational goals, volunteer service and community connections.
- Next Chapter Kansas City develops opportunities for people 50+ who are exploring meaningful options for work, service and learning.
- Pace University Encore Transitions Program helps adults at midlife and beyond transition from primary careers into an encore career.
- Project Renewment is a book, forum and movement for women 55+ to create a future of meaning, growth and contribution.
- SHIFT is a community for people who are navigating midlife transitions, building pathways to meaningful, sustainable lives.
- Transforming Life after 50 prepares libraries to better serve as cornerstone institutions to engage midlife adults fro productive aging.
- The Transition Network creates inclusive communities for women 50+ in personal or professional transitions.
- Vital Aging Network promotes self-determination, civic engagement and personal growth for people as they age.
Organizations focused on employment of people 50+
- Corporation for a Skilled Workforce catalyzes transformative change in education, economic and workforce development through research and action.
- Challenge Factory offers experiential career programs and innovative talent management solutions for organizations with aging workforces.
- Encore!Hartford prepares experienced corporate-sector professionals in career transition for jobs in the nonprofit sector.
- National Older Worker Career Center provides experienced workers using cost-effective, flexible, innovative and contemporary staffing options for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.
- Operation Able provides market-responsive programs to meet the employment needs of mature individuals along their career paths.
Organizations for vibrant, age-friendly communities
- Age-Friendly Portland promotes communities where aging is embraced.
- Conscious Aging Alliance is a network of organizations promoting personal fulfillment and effective contribution to society as people age.
- Conscious Elders Network is a budding movement of vital elders dedicated to growing in consciousness while actively addressing the demanding challenges facing our country.
- Fierce with Age supports those viewing aging as a spiritual path.
- HomeShare Vermont improves lives and communities by bringing northwest Vermonters together to share homes.
- Roommates 4 Boomers is a roommate matching site for women 50 and older.
- VITAL, The Visionary Institute for Total Ageless Living, provides age-friendly options for living, learning and working.
Professional organizations
- Encore Boston Network connects organizations and individuals working towards the encore model as a community norm.
- Life Planning Network is a community of professionals and organizations from diverse disciplines dedicated to helping people navigate the second half of life.
For network location and news, visit the Encore Network website.